Winthrop University's Writing Center plays a very important part in students writing who are searching for tips on becoming a better writer. The Writing Center is a support office, that provides a free writing service session to all students, staff, administrators and faculty. The Writing Center has been apart of Winthrop's community since 1776 according to the Writing Center's advisor, Dr. Jane B. Smith. The Writing Center is here to help students improve their writing style, grammar, punctuation, organization, thesis statements, conclusions and many other areas. However, the Writing Center does not promise error free papers.
There are tutors who are available to give students great advice about making their papers better. Tutors have to be graduate students or students who have taken Writing 500 and pass with an A or B.Winthrop students are respectful and really interested in the advice. Damon Dean, a freshman at Winthrop, claim's that "The Writing Center has help him understand the difference between writing in high school and writing in college".